CF’s Uganda Team
Did you know there are nearly 143 million orphans in the world, and 42 million of them live in Africa? These people, many of whom live at the mercy of foreign aid in Uganda and South Sudan, have survived civil wars, genocide, and attacks from rebel extremists. They, and all other vulnerable people in this world, deserve sustainable and multi-generational care and support. Support that prioritizes their emotional and social needs as highly as their physical and spiritual ones.
His Voice Global has been a partner organization to Christ Fellowship since 2018. Their mission is to redeem, restore, and renew individuals, families, and communities in Africa who have endured intense suffering and hopelessness.
CF chose HVG as a partner because their vision so closely aligns with our own – to equip and empower people to be all God designed them to be.
For the first time, we will be sending a team of volunteers to Uganda who will join His Voice Global in serving the world’s most vulnerable. The book of Acts is full of stories of the early church’s members coming together to support individuals to go out and share the good news of Jesus. We’d like to invite you to come alongside the team and join them with support in whatever way you feel led: Prayer, Fasting, Encouragement, or Donations are just a few ideas.
Meet the team members below and feel free to add them to your prayer list. If you would like, there is a link to their individual fundraising pages to support them with donations.
Jami and Marc Aitkin
We feel that God has been moving us toward new opportunities to see what He’s doing and to join in when there is something we can offer in our own identities. We are excited to be a part of this team and to get to be a part of this adventure He has set up.
Max & Terri Mieth
When Max proposed, I (Terri) told him I had no interest in being a missionary to some faraway place like Africa. I would never, out of the blue, choose to go to East Africa, but because of the suffering I have seen there, particularly among the children, I felt certain God was calling me to go on this trip. I know what it feels like to have been forced into difficult circumstances as a child – circumstances beyond my control and feeling fearful, ashamed, damaged, and vulnerable. I just hope that I can minister to some of the hurting children there.
I (Max) have had a desire to do something more for God for many years. Earlier this year, I told God I would love to go on missions trips a few times a year if He would just provide the time and funds. Shortly after, a friend in Florida told me about a trip they were taking to South America and next thing I know, I’m on a plane. Soon after returning, Terri told me she was going to Uganda, Africa! I told her that was great, I’d support her in any way I could – not thinking about making the trip myself as I was worn out from the previous trip. But then Jamie Winship mentioned me going. I told him I had no desire to go. Jamie told me there was no pressure, but I still prayed about it. It only took one mention to the Lord and He reminded me of my prayer about going on missions trips. So, I unenthusiastically started researching HVG and after seeing the beaming smiles of everyone on the website, the kids, the workers, Amber and Vernon Burger, I suddenly found myself having a burden for and falling in love with these people! I can’t explain it and I am not even sure what it means, but I went from dreading the thought of a 20-hour flight into a “dangerous” country, to being instantly connected to the souls I’m about to meet in December!
Cindy Cantrell
I have been praying for God to stretch me beyond my comfort zone, so when the opportunity to go to Uganda arose, I knew it was an answered prayer. Stepping into a different continent, country, and culture is going to allow me a chance to exercise that faith muscle of depending on Him. It will allow me to learn lessons in how to yield – to Him and to others. My prayer is that I can see others as Jesus does and offer His compassion and mercy to some of the world’s most vulnerable people.
Funding is complete.
Bruce Gibson
I have traditionally been a planner, endeavoring to understand a situation from all angles and developing a plan in advance. In June, I felt the Lord challenge me to trade predictability and control for uncertainty (even complicated uncertainty) and adventure with purpose. Subsequently, when Jamie invited me and encouraged me to participate in the Uganda mission, I felt the Lord leading me to make a decision about going without first developing a plan in advance. As I prayed about the opportunity, I felt I should go. For me, this trip is about obeying God’s direction to embrace His will without having a full understanding.
Funding is complete.
Jamie & Donna Winship
We believe strongly that God is raising up the community at Christ Fellowship to minister to the next generation of people around the world. It is a joy to partner with His Voice Global in the transformational work of facilitating true and lasting transformation by giving away what we ourselves have received here at Christ Fellowship – learning to hear from God, discovering identity and living in freedom. Thank you in advance for entrusting us to take this timely message to the nations!
Funding is complete.