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Online giving is a safe and flexible option and the easiest way to give to Christ Fellowship. This method allows you to schedule a recurring or one-time gift using a bank draft, credit card or debit card. If you choose to use your credit card, we encourage you to pay it off every month so as not to accrue debt.  Here you can easily manage your giving amount and specify where the funds should be applied.

To begin giving, simply select the Give Online button on this page. The first time, you will set up your account and have the option of a donating a one-time gift or start a recurring gift. The next time you sign in, your information will already be available for easy future giving and you will have access to your giving history.

If you would like more information or have questions about online giving, contact our Financial Administrator, Jennifer Huffman, by filling out the “Have Questions?” form on this page. You can also call the office at 423-349-0600.

Spiritual Q&A

Why do we give to the local church?

Why is giving so important?

How do we give?

What is a tithe?

What is an offering?

Online Giving Q&A

Why should I give online?

How can I give online?

If we want to help people get out of debt, why does Christ Fellowship accept the use of credit card giving?

Is online giving secure?

Are there any fees involved with online giving?

If I want to set-up a recurring contribution, what are my options for the frequency of my gift?

Once I set up a scheduled contribution, can I change it or delete it?

I am not a regular attender or member, but I would like to make a contribution. Can I use Online Giving?

How will I know that I set up my gift correctly?

When will contributions be taken from my account?

How can I get a receipt of my online contribution?

Will I still receive regular contribution statements from the church?

If I have additional questions about online giving that have not been addressed, who do I contact?

Have Questions?