Who We Are
VISION: Our vision is to equip and empower the next generation to be all God designed them to be.
MISSION: Our mission is to cultivate a community of young people who are continually transformed through the power of the Spirit as we learn to hear His voice, walk in freedom, and live out our God-given identity in the world.
How that is accomplished in CF Kids
HEARING: We want our students to hear from God confidently as they grow through each phase of life. We believe there is no junior Holy Spirit. So, we want them to discover Jesus as a close friend and like all close friends, learn to have conversations with Him through everything.
IDENTITY: We believe we are all created in the image of God and designed to reflect God’s heart to this world through our true identity. We want our students to learn over time, a deep sense of how God has uniquely designed them as they influence the world around them.
FREEDOM: We want our students to experience our environments as fun and safe places where they can freely be who God created them to be. We want them to have personal encounters with Jesus and discover the freedom found in knowing nothing can separate them from the love of God.
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Sunday at a Glance
Our CF Littles are welcome to come into the rooms 15 minutes before each service. In the nursery, the babies can come in and enjoy a sweet time of play while worship music plays in the background. When the parents check in the babies at the door, they can inform the trained volunteers of any special requests like bottle feedings, nap times, etc. With parent consent, we can also offer the babies Gerbers Puffs as a snack.
Toddler & Pre-K
In the toddler and PreK classrooms, we begin each Sunday with a time of fun free-play with friends. We usually begin the lessons about 15-20 minutes after service starts. The lessons will begin with 2 to 3 worship songs, during which the students can sing and dance with the leaders and their friends, followed by a Bible story video lesson. We then have a time of prayer with the Littles. After which, we usually have 2 to 3 activities that continue to explain our Bible lesson and weekly bottom line. These are usually interactive games and crafts that focus on our Bible story to keep students engaged in the lesson at hand.
CF Buddies Program
At Christ Fellowship we offer our Buddies program at the 11:00 service for our students with special needs. This is a program with a group of trained volunteers who are able to serve our friends with special needs by providing intentional one-on-one care and support during the church service.
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