Never The Same (NTS) Camp is an action-packed week of life change happening this summer in South Carolina July 21-25 with CF students! We believe NTS will be a pivotal point in the life of each student as they take a week to step away from their normal, everyday routines and fully immerse themselves to connect with their Creator to hear His voice, and be intentional with their friends and caring adult small group leaders from Christ Fellowship. They will not only leave with a deeper understanding of God’s unique design for their lives, but a fire to see Him move in and through them far beyond this summer. Join us, you don’t wait to miss it!
Who: Current 6-12 grade students
When: July 21-25
Where: Southern Wesleyan University, South Carolina
Cost: $350 (Early Bird ends 5/05)
Registration: done in 2 parts.
Part 1 Camp: Click here for NTS website. Click ‘register your student’, then select Christ Fellowship. ($150 deposit)
Part 2 Transportation: $18. Fill out form below.
Questions: email Laura Whitney at
Download, complete and email the camp packet here: