*** Registration for this event is now closed. We hope you can join us next year!*** CF High & CF Middle, don’t miss “Burn”, our annual CF Student Ministries Fall...
Would you like to have a better understanding of how to wisely use your money, and make it work for you? If so, Jennifer Huffman, CF Financial Director, is available...
CF Littles Families, Join us for a once-a-month gathering called Creation Generation! We will meet on the third Monday of each month from 10:00a to 11:00a at CF for an...
Adults 60 and over, join us on Monday, October 16th at 6:00 PM at Christ Fellowship for our monthly potluck. Our theme for this month's potluck is the 4 S's...
What would it look like to live in a place of joy and peace regardless of the season of life? This is what Kingdom living looks like. As we read...