Kairos is a prison ministry that will be leading a retreat at Northeast Correctional Facility in Mountain City, May 2-5. A huge part of the ministry is focused on God's...
Are you interested in delving a little deeper into who we are and what CF is all about? Introduction to Christ Fellowship (Intro to CF) is an informal gathering where you can find out more about...
CF Littles Families, Join us on April 15th for our Spring-themed Creation Generation gathering! We will meet at CF from 10-11a where you and your little will engage with stories,...
Adults 60 and over, join us on Monday, April 15th at 6:00 PM at Christ Fellowship for our monthly potluck. The theme for this month will be Italian. Bring your...
***Registration is now closed. Please contact Richie Christie with any questions at rchristie@christfellowship.me We are kicking off a Golf League for CF! Open to anyone 18 and older. Why? We...