Welcome to CF House Church: Practicing The Way of Jesus!
(6th Grade through Young Adults age 30)
This fall we are getting creative with community by diving deep in smaller, House Church Gatherings all around the Tri-Cities. This is open for ages 6th grade – 30 years old. We know it’s been tough to not be doing life with friends in this season and hard to connect with Jesus and follow after Him. So we’re going to change that! Let’s stop waiting for this to be over and dive in to do something about it – in a socially distant & responsible way.
How this works:
- House Church: Invite your friends to do a “House Church” with you. For 6th-12th, we will help. For College & Young Adults, simply get your people together. We will also help place groups if needed, but highly encourage organic community with people you love and know. These will meet at the frequency of your choice, but we encourage you to meet at least twice a month.
- Main Teachings: Every 3 weeks we will release a new main teaching on a specific topic or spiritual discipline to help us follow The Way of Jesus more deeply.
- Practicing The Presence: Within those few weeks between the main teachings we will put out a deeper dive into experiencing this specific topic through Podcasts and other channels. This will give us time and space to truly put into practice these ways of following Jesus.
Sign up Here: