Name(Required) First Last Phone(Required)Email(Required) For the ultimate camp experience, I NEED YOU!Kids Camp is a vibrant hub of growth, laughter, and memories, and to make it an amazing experience, we need your help! From leading exciting activities to fostering friendships and ensuring every child feels loved and valued, volunteering at Kids Camp promises to be a fulfilling adventure where you play a vital role in shaping the next generation's journey. Join us, and let's create unforgettable memories and experiences together!Areas Needed.Check all areas that interest you. If you are able to help you will be emailed an application and background check information. Small Group Leader (5-6 Students) Kitchen Helper Production (Stagehands, lights, sound) Admin (Check in- Check out) Use me wherever needed Call me for more information. Set up Team Needed (Sunday June 16th- Wednesday June 19th)Please check all days and times you are able to assist with. Set Building Decorating I will Volunteer June 16th I will Volunteer June 17th I will Volunteer June 18th I will Volunteer June 19th I am available during the day 9am-12pm I am available during the day 12pm-4pm I am available in the evenings 6pm-8:30pm Please list any other times you are available to volunteer.